



拥有庞大的皇冠HGA010官方下载公司投资组合, 健壮的基础设施, 丰富的土地和有利于商业的激励措施, 德州是太阳能的中心, 吸引投资者, 开发商和公司对国家.  

In 2023, 德克萨斯州安装了超过6台,500兆瓦的太阳能发电, leading the nation and surpassing California for the second year in a row, 根据 休斯敦纪事报的 对Wood Mackenzie年度太阳能市场报告的分析.  

最近的一次 报告 通过U.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Information Administration (EIA) projects Texas to continue to lead new utility-scale solar capacity this year, 占EIA预期的58%的35%, or 62.8 gigawatts, of new solar capacity in 2024, signaling a record-breaking addition to the grid.  

根据 太阳能工业协会, in the fourth quarter of 2023, Texas had more than $27 billion in investment in solar energy. 作为全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的关键参与者, 休斯顿一直处于该州太阳能热潮的前沿, 连续中标大型太阳能项目. 

The Partnership has played a vital role in securing notable solar energy project victories for the region, 包括艾琳皇冠HGA010官方下载225的成立,000平方英尺的太阳能电池板制造工厂. 年生产能力2台,000兆瓦, 该设施预计将于今年开始运营, 根据 凯蒂*

Other successful projects include SEG Solar’s PV module manufacturing plant in northwest Harris County. The new facility has an anticipated annual capacity of more than two gigawatts with an anticipated opening date of this year.  

“SEG is excited to establish a manufacturing base in Texas and is looking forward to serving the U.S. market with more domestic production,” said SEG’s VP and CLO Michael Eden in a Hga010皇冠软件下载. “This facility will help to sustain low carbon, eco centric energy independence in the U.S. 为了子孙后代.” 

总部位于休斯顿的英国石油公司(bp)的子公司Lightsource最近也宣布辞职 宣布 它将在德克萨斯州开发和运营两个新的太阳能发电场, 在完成了3.48亿美元的融资计划后. 的项目, 位于布拉索里亚县和斯塔尔县, 总容量将达到288兆瓦, 哪一个够50个,000个家庭. 这两个项目都计划于今年上线.  

去年, global energy corporation and Partnership member TotalEnergies began operations at its new solar farm in south Houston. 根据公司的 Hga010皇冠软件下载, 这个380兆瓦的农场被称为默特尔太阳能, can produce enough green electricity to cover the energy consumption of 70,000个家庭. 

“This startup is another milestone in achieving our goal to build an integrated and profitable position in Texas, 哪里的ERCOT是主要的电网运营商,文森特·斯托夸特说, 高级副总裁, total energy的可再生皇冠HGA010官方下载

此外,第二阶段 Sunnyside太阳能农场 预计今年完工吗. The project will transform a 240-acre former landfill into a solar power farm, 使其成为全国最大的城市太阳能发电场,建在垃圾填埋场上, 根据休斯顿市的说法. 

了解更多关于 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议.  




Demonstrating its continued commitment to advancing the energy transition and bolstering the region’s workforce, 英国石油公司捐赠200美元,000 to Houston Community College (HCC) to fund an electrical vehicle safety and mechanic training course for City of Houston and Harris County employees. The initiative underscores the international company’s commitment to sustainability and aims to equip local technicians with the specialized skills needed for the future of transportation.  The program aims to train more than 250 fleet department employees this year by providing safety knowledge for handling EVs and advanced training on repairs and maintenance.  “We embrace Houston's role as the energy capital of the world and we continue to support the city and the county and their efforts to advance the energy transition,——马克·克劳福德, Sr. 多元化副总裁, 英国石油公司的公平与包容, 在HCC董事会会议上的检查报告中说道. “We are excited for the year ahead and many technicians who will depart HCC campus with a certificate in hand and new knowledge to utilize.”  单击展开 bp检查向HCC的演示,以资助电动汽车安全培训   In 2020, the City of Houston released its Climate Action Plan which included converting non-emergency, 到2030年,轻型市政车辆将实现电动化. Harris County has a similar goal to transition its fleet to electric vehicles.  HCC’s Northeast College President Michael Edwards applauded bp’s investment and commitment to strengthening communities, 创造可持续就业,推进转型.   “bp America seeks to work with partners to develop initiatives for the area's most impacted by the energy transition and enable the workforce to gain the skills needed for future energy systems,迈克尔·爱德华兹说, 博士学位, HCC东北校区校长.    今年早些时候,英国石油公司在美国推出了其首个产品.S. EV charging station, bp Pulse, at the company’s 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Corridor headquarters. 车站, 提供24个高速电动车充电点, is part of bp’s plan to invest $1 billion in EV charging infrastructure by 2030.  了解更多关于休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载行业的信息.

埃克森美孚, 英特尔 Developing New Liquid Cooling Technologies for Data Centers

Two multinational corporations have 宣布 a new collaboration to create energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for data centers as the market experiences significant growth.  埃克森美孚和英特尔正在努力设计, 测试, research and develop new liquid cooling technologies to optimize data center performance and help customers meet their sustainability goals. Liquid cooling solutions serve as an alternative to traditional air-cooling methods in data centers.  “Our partnership with 埃克森美孚 to co-develop turnkey solutions for liquid cooling will enable significant energy and water savings for data center and network deployments,珍·赫夫斯特勒说, 首席产品可持续发展官, 英特尔.  根据咨询公司麦肯锡的说法, “一个超大规模的数据中心可以使用多达80倍的电力,000户家庭,,预计这一需求将继续飙升. 美国的电力消耗.S. 到2030年,数据中心市场预计将达到35吉瓦(GW), 高于2022年的17gw,麦肯锡的一项分析显示. 人工智能和机器学习, and other advanced computing techniques are increasing computational workloads, 作为回报, 电力需求增加. 因此,公司正在寻找支持这种增长的解决方案.   埃克森美孚 launched its full portfolio of data center immersion fluid products last year. The partnership with 英特尔 will allow them to further advance their efforts in this market.  “By integrating 埃克森美孚’s proven expertise in liquid cooling technologies with 英特尔’s long legacy of industry leadership in world-changing computing technologies, together we will further the industry’s adoption and acceptance as it transitions to liquid cooling technologies,莎拉·霍恩说, 副总统, 埃克森美孚.  了解更多关于休斯敦皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议. 




大休斯顿伙伴关系, Houston 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Transition Initiative (HETI) and the Center for Houston's Future invite you to the annual Future of Global 皇冠HGA010官方下载 presented by Shell USA, 公司. …
